Wrath of the Lich King/Warcraft Third War

This quiz is about the Third War and Wrath of the Lich King. Be prepared to be challenged by questions of lore. Also learn from your mistakes and errors from this quiz. (If you do get something wrong.)

I made this quiz because I am just sort of obsessed with the Lich King and the Scourge. But I also don't like it that the Scourge ruined Lordaeron. The Forsaken really sucks.

Created by: Wolfgang
  1. Who investigated the plague of the undead to Stratholme?
  2. Who were the Lich Kings?
  3. Which kingdoms were lost since Arthas became the Lich King?
  4. What hero was at the Battle of Mount Hyjal?
  5. What is the title of Arthas Menethil?
  6. What World of Warcraft zone has a lot of undead in it?
  7. What is the name of Arthas Menthil's weapon?
  8. What type of magic do Death Knights have?
  9. What is the Scarlet Crusade?
  10. What year did World of Warcraft 'Wrath of the Lich King' come out?
  11. What year did Warcraft 'The Frozen Throne' come out?
  12. Who defeated Arthas Menethil?

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