Would Zander date you?

*Mumbles* Just press the quiz so I don't have to wear this maid outfit for long (My emotions: ~_~^0^U_U^0^:-D^3^:/^0^:/^o^^0^~_~<3O.O^0^<3^0^^o^^oye.-.)

*Jeff is trying to find me a outfit* *Jax is staring at me* *Zander is eating in the kitchen* *You are writing ship names for me and Jax* (The paper: Jrook, Bax and Jro)

Created by: Brook_Cats
  1. BREAK ZANDER'S HEART AND YOU WILL DIE *Zander holds me back*
  2. *I easily break out of Zander's arms*
  3. *Jax comes in with his hoodie on* Me: *Staring at him*
  4. *Jeff comes in and pushes Jax*
  5. Zander: *Sitting in corner*
  6. *I walk out the room taking Jeff and Jax*
  7. *an hour later* *walks in room with maid outfit on* I hate you Jeff..
  8. *We just hear Jax and Jeff fighting* HUSH BOYS
  9. *an hour later* *Jax is kissing me* *Zander is covering his eyes* *You are?*
  10. *Mumbles* Bye muffins...

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