Would You Wanna Date You?

There are alot of people who dont like who they are and sometimes dont even realize what kind of person they are around other people. The people who truly would in fact date them self are the people with the most self confidence and well being.

Do you think you would Date yourself? Looks wise? Personality wise? Style wise? ....This quiz really unlocks who you are and if you like who you are. It really boggles the mind after taking if the out come is not yes.

Created by: Tanya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is one good thing people say about you?
  2. What is one bad quality you can't seem to get rid of?
  3. What do you hate in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. What is your clothing style?
  5. What clothin Style do you perfer in a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?
  6. What do you love in a girl/boyfriend?
  7. How much do looks in you boyfriend/girlfriend matter to you on a scale of 1-10?
  8. How would you describe your phisical appearence?
  9. Do you think you would date yourself?
  10. Do you think others like you the way you are?

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