Would you survive the sinking of the RMS Titanic?

Do you have what it takes to survive the most famous sinking ship of all time? Will you be able to board the Titanic and live to tell the tale of it??

Find out with this quiz! Where only the smartest, bravest, and most determined will live. Simply answer the 9 questions and find out your fate aboard the infamous RMS Titanic.

Created by: Brooklyn
  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. What class are you in?
  4. A crew member knocks on your door and tells you to put on a lifejacket and go out onto the deck. What do you do?
  5. (FOR WOMAN ONLY) You and your husband have made it onto the deck and find a lifeboat. A crew member tells you there is only one spot left on the lifeboat and asks if you would like to take it. You...
  6. (FOR MEN ONLY) Your wife and kids have safely been boarded onto a lifeboat and you are trying to find a way to survive. You know that your kids have many family left and that other families need to get on a lifeboat as well. A crew member comes and asks if any men would like a spot in a boat. You...
  7. The ship has just broken down the middle and you are hanging onto the back of the stern knowing that you will be down in the freezing water within seconds. You...
  8. You are holding onto a piece of wood, just floating there, waiting to die. You hear a man's voice yelling and you realize he is coming to rescue you. What do you do?
  9. You are on a lifeboat. It is freezing and beside you, you notice a child shivering in the cold. You only have one blanket, and you're using it. You decide to...
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz? (Does not effect final result)

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