would you survive the hunger games?

You know that this isn't real. You might live. notiCe might but you know things could get better maybe you would get those roses but yYou could be victor.

would you live The Hunger Games there's a big chance that you wouldn't but what if you did do you have what it takes or Will you die with all thr others?

Created by: April
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay your names called. What do you do.
  2. Interview emotion?
  3. District?
  4. Okay. What do you want most?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. What do you think about yourself.
  7. Out with a bang.
  8. Gong rings
  9. where do you hide
  10. okay it's time to eat

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