Would you survive the Hunger Games

Only on e person can survive the Hunger Games. The person has to be fast clever likable and a downright killer. With 23 other people it is not easy to win.

But now there is a way for lazy people to try there wits at the Hunger Games and the best bit is you don't die yay but the worst bit is you don't get the money awwww. May the odds be ever in your favor

Created by: Fiona
  1. You see a bag of food but it is close to the cornucopia what do you do?
  2. The only water you can find is beside the person you are most afraid of's base?
  3. you find someone who scored equal as you?
  4. It is the end game but you can't find your opponent?
  5. you were allies with a person but you had a fight and ran away now it is all most over and it is just you and them?
  6. You didn't get people to like you, you don't know how to hunt or find berries that you can eat and you don't have allies?
  7. You know you are doomed
  8. you only have enough water for 1 but there are two of you
  9. you get stung by a bee but you are allergic to the bee sting
  10. you can only carry one thing food or a weapon?

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