Would you survive physical abuse?

Abuse. Bullying. Self-harm. We are only human and must endure these monstrosities. With this quiz however you’ll learn how to survive it! Disclaimer: this is an RP quiz.

It contains some cuss words and even violence. It is rated NFFOH: not for faint of heart!!! (Pronounces Nhoh, the f is silent and stuff) see ya guys around

Created by: SuicideYOLO
  1. Hi guys! Suicide You Only Live Once here!
  2. So in this quiz, we’ll be seeing if you can survive physical abuse.
  3. At school, bullies flush your head in the toilet. What do you do?
  4. A family member starts strangling you. What do you do?
  5. A family member removes your shirt and punches your midriff. What do you do?
  6. Have you experienced abuse?
  7. See you
  8. Suicide You Only Live Once, out!
  9. Yeeeet
  10. Fk u

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