Would you survive my zombies?

My Zombies are similar to I am Legend but no animals, no cure, and almost no sunlight effects. Survival is almost impossible except if everything goes right.

I am not sexist, so shut up. I am simply comparing long term survival data. Short term to a few years guys have the advantage, but women in 5 plus years are superior if they last that long. I would love to argue with you.

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your already dead.
  2. Where do you hide?
  3. Your hardware.
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Where will you live?
  6. You see survivors.
  7. Survivors see you.
  8. Zombies are around your base.
  9. 1 on 1 combat.
  10. What do you wear?
  11. What's your favorite color?
  12. Horde.
  13. Your the last living person.
  14. What's you favorite color?

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