Would you survive in a martian city?

Martian worlds can be very different from ours. Different customs and ways..

Would you survie in a martian world? Not knowing their customs? Take this quiz to find out !

Created by: 555is200

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. As you land on the martian planet, you are greeted by the International Martian Gaurd. What do you say and do?
  2. You go into a small, old cafe and see the menu. What do you order?
  3. As morning comes, you go around to explore. where would you go?
  4. You notice a small martian man who you beilve is following you. What do you do?
  5. Your taking a bus that stops at random places, where will you get off at?
  6. A begger comes up to you and asks for food or money. What do you say/do?
  7. You stop at the gift shop and what will you buy?
  8. You get a chance to meet Ganake Zas, the Martian President. What do you say/do?
  9. You are low on money, where will you get a job at?
  10. What are your thoughts of this martian city?

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