would you survive if you got kidnapped!

Do you know if you will survive well your in luck! This quiz will tell you if you are smart,brave,or got the nerves to face a situation I hope you get a good 100%

Have you ever wondered what if I get kidnapped will I survive? Well your in luck take this quiz and you will see if you will or not I hope you live! I will miss you!

Created by: abigail s.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your walking when an old lady asks if you can help find her dog you....
  2. Your at friends house and a van stops a man steps out and says your mom needs help you.....
  3. Someone has been following you all day what do you do
  4. No matter what you did he nocKS you out you wake up in the back of a van you
  5. if you tryed to get out it did not work you arive at a dark house and he is taking you in side you....
  6. Your inside and your tied to a chair you.....
  7. You get nocked out and you wake up with a man saying send a letter to your parents that your Allright your else you...
  8. If you said do it click umm he gets mad and unties you and says let's fight you....
  9. Some says hi
  10. Do you like this quiz?
  11. Rate quiz

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