Would you survive HetaOni?

Created by: sarah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's idea was it to go into the mansion?
  2. You enter the house, and it's nothing like you expected. It's clean, and actually kind of nice. Your first thought?
  3. You hear something deep within the house. What do you do?
  4. You go and venture the house, but when you come back your friends are gone!
  5. Eventually, you find Germany. But he's shaking and speechless in fear.
  6. You come across a lever that has three options 'Up is Heaven, Middle is Earth, and Down is Hell' Which do you choose?
  7. You see a large, grey figure outside of a door for a split second, but as you turn your head it dissapears.
  8. You see more of your friends, ones you never thought were going to show up.
  9. You see the grey monster again. It looks as if it's about to attack. What do you do?
  10. You leave the room for a split second and when you come back you see one of your very close friends bleeding to death. They don't have much time and they know it. What do you do?
  11. You see a way out, but you're alone. What do you do?
  12. Let's say you were dying. All your friends are surrounding you. What are your last words?
  13. You and your friends are running from the monster. Where are you in the group?

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