Would you Survive a Zombie Attack?

You are a Survivor and You are fighting you seem to have a Death as your Wish as you have gone Crazy there seems to be no help what so ever will you live?

Take this Ultimate Challenge to see if you are a Survivor there has been many Test and Quizes but this my friends is the most extreme 5 Answears one of you your Fate Decide for your self

Created by: David Green
  1. You wake up go get your Coffee and Head out the Door to see no one is out you _______
  2. While watching TV you noticed Undead you _______
  3. What is your choice of weopon?
  4. What is your Choice of Hand Weopen? CQC
  5. What type of Bomb would you choose?
  6. How do you kill a Zombie?
  7. How would you get Around?
  8. How many People would you Travel with Hint: Ever heard theres safety in Numbers?
  9. How much Ammo would you carry?
  10. 10 Bullets + A large Horde =
  11. Final Question The Zombies are Here for a Year now you are Tired and have gone Crazy you.

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