Would You Survive a Zombie Apocolipes?

Not many people will survive the upcoming zombie apocalypses. Will you? Maybe, Maybe not. It takes alot of smarts and even more guts to survive. THink yo have what it takes? Sincerely : Shanaynay

Not many people will survive the upcoming zombie apocalypses. If you want to find out if you have what it takes... then take this quiz! Sincerely : Shanaynay

Created by: Shannon
  1. Hey how you doing?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. What is your ideal weapon?
  4. How would you kill the zombies?
  5. What is your favorite color? (Kinda Random)
  6. Are you a camper, or a hunter?
  7. If your friend got bite...
  8. What is your ideal source of transportation?
  9. Where do you live?
  10. Are you in shape?
  11. What type of day do you most prefer?
  12. What Is the first letter of your name?
  13. What kind of clothing do you wear?
  14. How much battle experience do you have?
  15. What kind of supplies will you carry?
  16. What do you think of this quiz?
  17. What is the length of your hair?
  18. Your almost done guys.
  19. What do you think is most important?
  20. That was a trick question. Both of them are important.
  21. What kind of personality do you have?
  22. What kinda of social group do you fall under?
  23. LAST QUESTION! What do you think your answer will be?

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