Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Sooner or later, whether by some government experiment or by contaminated food sources, the zombie apocalypse will begin. when it happens, we will all have to make certain choices that are ultimately life or death.

Are YOU prepared to face off against the Zombie Horde? Test your skills and wits and determine your skills of survival to find out how long YOU would survive the ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!

Created by: jctheking

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are watching TV when a breaking news report televises the zombie apocalypse. You.....
  2. You hear a noise from outside and see someone being chased by some zombies. You.....
  3. Your house is overrun by zombies. You.....
  4. After escaping the house you.....
  5. On the way to your destination you run into a horde of zombies. You.....
  6. When you finally reach your destination you see there is nothing left for you to use except some old boards and a few candy bars. You.....
  7. You and your partner run into a group of bandits who threaten to kill you both unless you give them your supplies. You.....
  8. After your run in with the bandits you and your partner are now completely out of food. You managed to both keep your guns but you only have two clips each. You.....
  9. When you reach the next town the first thing you look for is.....
  10. While you are searching you run into a pair of survivors who are in trouble. You.....
  11. The two new survivors tell you they have a group of people in a hideout nearby and that you can stay if you'd like. You.....
  12. When you reach the group you notice they are low on food. You and your partner have some bags of jerky you managed to pick up in the town. You.....
  13. You are listening to the radio alone when you hear about a military operation happening to rescue survivors. You.....
  14. You reach the docks and find the military soldiers have all been zombie-fied. You.....
  15. Did you like this quiz? (WILL NOT EFFECT FINAL SCORE)

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