Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?

Do you have what it takes to survive the zombies apocalypse??? Well lets see answer this great quiz and we will know at the end of it if you are a zombie killer or a bug killer :D

CAN YOU SURVIVE THE ZOMBIES APOCALYPSE??? Lets see? well take the quiz and discover. If you get a good score you will obviously survive man! lets try!

Created by: pedro
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What weapon would you carry with you?
  2. How many people would you take with you?
  3. What would you do to survive?
  4. What would you do first when you noticed the zombies?
  5. Were would you go if you decided to hide on a safe house?
  6. If you knew how to find the cure would you....
  7. What Car would you take?
  8. How many food?
  9. What would you take first when getting out of your house?
  10. Are You strong?

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