Would you survive a zombie apocalipse ?

What if the zombie apocalypse really happenes? Would you be ready for the horrors that would await you in the dark post apocaliptic earth ? With this quiz you will find out.....

Do you think you are tough enough, have loads of brain power and ingenuity ? Well after taking this 1 minute quiz you will find out if you are cut out to be a awesome apocalypse survivor...

Created by: XxxxShadowGBxxxX
  1. You are watching the news in your house and you find out that there is a zombie apocalipse. What do you do ?
  2. Zombies cant swim and sound attracts them, they are very strong. What weapon would you want ?
  3. Your mother is bitten you dont know if cutting of the organic tissue that got bitten will stop her turning in to a zombie ?
  4. You notice a group of survivors. What do you do ?
  5. What type of people would you want to come with you
  6. Where would you hide from the zombies
  7. If you had no more bullets with you and 100 zombies to face what do you do ? Ps. You have a grenade and a hunting knife
  8. Zombies breach your safe house what do you do
  9. Your the last human on earth, what do you do ?
  10. Its night time you are far from your safehouse, you are in the woods and there are lots of zombies, what do you do?

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