Would you survive?

Everyday we live there could exist a new kind of bacteria which could kill us all, better known as the apocalypse (A.K.A zombies) There still would be survivors though...

What we all want to know is: "Am I gonna survive" Taking this test takes cold-blooded decisions like leaving somebody to his bloody demise... This test is hard because like a real apocalypse you don't get second chances...

Created by: genki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You woke up in your bed thanks to a loud knocking on your door, you...
  2. The door opened and you see your neighbour wounded and simply weird, he suddenly tries to jump at you! you...
  3. No matter what happened you got out of your house, you look in your street and notice that everyone looks like your former neighbour, you...
  4. You didn't find much but a small group of survivors who don't have much food, they ask you who you are...
  5. They accept you, but they have a mission for you! You have to go to the store and loot as much as you can, you...
  6. They sent you there either way, But they gave you a helper. He introduces himself as an 18 year old man named Hunter, you approach the store with Hunter on your side, you...
  7. You're in the store after you Hunter decided what to do, but you can't seem to find Hunter, you...
  8. You almost gave up looking but then you saw him at the front door almost getting eaten by 3 of those things! you...
  9. Hunter died... you...
  10. You're tired and you want to go to bed, the survivors give you some options, you pick...

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