would you really survive a zombie apocalypse?

Some people are not fit to survive a zombie apocalypse. Some would thrive in it. What about yourself? Do you have what it take to survive? Will you do what needs to be done?

The world is now infested with dangerous zombies. Would you have what it takes to survive the maddening world that is now reality? This quiz will give you an idea!

Created by: Mike
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would be your FIRST choice in the beginning of a zombie outbreak?
  2. Your best friend just got bit, what do you do?
  3. You come across a single zombie, what do you do?
  4. have you ever shot a gun before?
  5. do you know how to hunt or fish?
  6. Can you run a long distance without tiring?
  7. You come across a person that is alone, low on food, and no weapons. What do you do?
  8. Are you legitimately knowledgeable about survival skills? (edible plants, setting traps, and gathering water)
  9. which place would you set up camp for the night?
  10. you are alone and a group finds you and offers you to join...
  11. you come across a stash of drugs...
  12. You have a safe house, secure and safe. Would you allow strangers in so they would not be in danger?

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