Would You Rather Quiz!

All through life, you have to make decisions and choices. In this quiz, you can decide without actually doing the things! It's the best way to practise making choices!

Would you rather take this quiz? Or do you just want to sit and wonder if you take alot of risks, take no risks, or if you are hovering between the two? ;) Take my quiz! X

Created by: a hamster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather jump off a cliff, or read a book?
  2. Would you rather kill a man, or eat haggis?
  3. Would you rather do it with a fish or watch Teletubbies?
  4. Would you rather sell your soul to the Devil and have magical powers for the rest of your life (then when you die, go and live in Hell), or be good all of your life and go to Heaven?
  5. Would you rather do it with someone the same gender as you, or go to school naked?
  6. Would you rather die to save your loved ones, or make your loved ones die for you?
  7. Would you rather kiss a giraffe or your brother? (Let's say you have a brother!)
  8. Would you rather cancel Christmas or kill your dog?
  9. Would you rather eat cooked snails or raw ones?
  10. Would you rather swallow poison or watch your bf/gf die?
  11. Would you rather eat paper or drown?
  12. Did you like this quiz? (This has no effect on your results, don't worry!)

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