Would You Rather?

okay so this is just a random quiz and ive got to levelup so this is also a levelup quiz now go ahead and take it come on why are you reading this stuff

aight so go ahead and take it it helps me levelup okay? yeah it does so please take this quiz instead of reading these boring informative paragraphs will ya

Created by: Almyzu
  1. This quiz is just for fun
  2. I'm gonna be doing some would you rathers and if you pick the same one I would, you'll get a better score
  3. Would you rather have to go to dance class for one year or baseball for one year?
  4. Would you rather be the girliest girl alive or the most boyish boy alive?
  5. Rich but dumb and arrogant or poor but kind and modest?
  6. Would you rather have no kids or ten kids?
  7. Would you rather find a pot of gold or a four leaf clover that actually does bring good luck?
  8. 2 bonus NOT would you rather questions (cause I need 10 questions)
  9. Are you more of a realist or idealist?
  10. Are you cool?

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