Would you rather..

Do you want to be quizzed the best quiz I have personally created? Do you want to discover more about me without revealing my true identity? Then tag along and try this quiz...

Some up and downs can be involved in just twelve questions. When you see you answer, be proud no matter what. I say it and the end and I will say it again, we are all different, that is the main thing...

Created by: Roderich Edelstein
  1. Would you rather; Go to Paris or go to Rome?
  2. Would you rather; Live in the Countryside or City?
  3. Would you rather; Run the London Marathon or swim the Caribbean?
  4. Would you rather; Give up chocolate for a week or give up fruit for a month?
  5. Would you rather; Be called Abbiana or Rayanna? (short for Rae and Abbi)
  6. Would you rather; Sleep in a Hotel or Apartment?
  7. Would you rather; Get covered in Spiders or do an extra long writing task which lasts the whole day?
  8. Would you rather; Have the power of shooting fireballs or bringing people down from heaven? (power is Aether)
  9. Would you rather; Go to Fought Park or Alton Towers?
  10. Last question; Did you like this quiz?

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