Would you rather

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Created by: Major

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather be naked in Antarctica or wear a snowsuit in the desert?
  2. Would you rather never brush your teeth again or never brush your hair again?
  3. Would you rather count every grain of sand on a beach or count every drop of water in a lake?
  4. Would you rather lick a dead frog or eat a maggot?
  5. Would you rather be rich and fat or poor and skinny?
  6. Would you rather have a lightsaber or helper monkey?
  7. Would you rather swallow a small glass shard or a thumbtack?
  8. Would you rather fail or never try?
  9. Would you rather be attacked by a giant snake or an angry piranha?
  10. Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese or 10 full peanut butter jars with no water?
  11. Would you rather drink a gallon of mayo or ranch?
  12. Would you rather have an extra mouth or third arm?
  13. Would you rather be a movie star or singer?
  14. Would you rather have your own private jet or private island?
  15. Would you rather be able to walk through walls or control the weather?
  16. Would you rather always be hot or always be cold?
  17. Would you rather have blue skin or purple skin?
  18. Would you rather always laugh at sad things or always cry at funny things?
  19. Would you rather be blind or deaf?
  20. Would you rather only ever be able to watch golf on TV or watch weather reports on TV?
  21. Would you rather die in a fire or drown?
  22. Would you rather spend 4 years in jail for something you didn't do or spend 7 years in jail for something you did do?
  23. Would you rather watch a movie with picture but no sound or watch a movie with sound but no picture?
  24. Would you rather visit Hogwarts or Camp Half-Blood?
  25. Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick 3 public telephones?
  26. Would you rather have a ketchup-dispensing belly button or pencil-sharpening nostrils?
  27. Would you rather live without music or without TV?
  28. Would you rather eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
  29. Would you rather always say what's on your mind or never speak again?
  30. Would you rather always be gossiped about or never talked about?
  31. Would you rather publish your diary or make a movie about your most embarrassing moment?
  32. Would you rather give or get bad advice?
  33. Would you rather write the worst book ever or record the worst song ever?
  34. Would you rather have a big group of acquaintances or one close friend?
  35. Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence?
  36. Would you rather buy a brand new sports car only to total it the next day or buy a big house only for it to burn down one week later?
  37. Would you rather go to a six hour opera or a six hour ballet recital?
  38. Would you rather find true love or $1,000,000 dollars?
  39. Would you rather spend life in prison or be executed?
  40. Would you rather have a beautiful house and an ugly car or an ugly house and a beautiful car?
  41. Would you rather wake up from sleeping walking in the middle of an extremely busy freeway or on a window ledge 30 stories up?
  42. Would you rather be buried alive or eaten alive?
  43. Would you rather have scientists prove that God definitely does exist or find a cure for cancer?
  44. Would you rather live the rest of your life as the opposite gender or start over again as a little kid?
  45. Would you rather visit space or the ocean floor?
  46. Would you rather spend the day at an amusement or water park?
  47. Would you rather meet Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy?
  48. Would you rather be 3 or 8 feet tall?

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