Would you Rather

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I know you guys are very smart to take this quiz and my other quizzes. You are very smart people don't let anyone discourage you and tell you that you're not.

Would you rather Chicken or Fish ? But thanks to this amazing quiz you will find out which one you rather and more. Try this quiz NOW . It's not too late.

Created by: China.J
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather chicken or fish (
  2. Would you rather water or juice ?
  3. Skater board or skates ?
  4. Netflix or youtube ?
  5. Sleep or be awake ?
  6. Study or play ?
  7. Paris or USA?
  8. Travelling around the world in eighty days or watch TV ?
  9. Shoes or clothes ?
  10. Rate or comment
  11. Rate or comment
  12. Rate or comment

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