Would you rather... | Comments

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  • Your Result: Good person

    You are a good, moral person. You tend to put other people's safety and happiness above your own. You are willing to face difficult challenges and even in extreme cases you would be willing to save another before yourself. You probably couldn't sleep at night knowing that you had cheated someone out of something or if you had allowed another innocent person to suffer as a result of greed or selfishness. You do not have tolerance for other people who will put their wants or needs above a less fortunate person's wants or needs. You are giving and caring, although be careful not to scarifice everything for the wrong reasons.

    You're bad

    Puppy xo1
  • Good person, I'll be quite honest I hate most people but I couldn't deal with the guilt of seeing animals suffer or the ones I do care for suffer even though it isn't many people. I think I'm more of just a loner and am completely fine with that.

  • I hate the questions about dieing, it makes me feel scared lol. im a Good Person!!!

  • great quiz!


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