would you make it ten years as a wolf

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what is a wolf Wolves are carnivorous mammals in the genus Canis, which also includes coyotes, jackals, and domesticated dogs. There are 3 living species referred to as wolves, the most common being Canis lupus, the grey wolf.

are you a wolf can you live as a real wolf. I would take some times to think abut this but the mane thing is how long can you live will you get a little or will you grow young and get kill lets find out

Created by: chloekelly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are a one wolf in Alaska you are bad at hunting what do you do
  2. you find a pack but it's not what you thought there is 4 females and 2 males the male is an elder but alpha what do you do
  3. the alpha dies over night or is dead. the pack Moran but ask you to be alpha what do you do
  4. the pack splits. Or you take the female and pup or females and pups and try find a den a bear attacks if you only had one female and pup you died...if you had more females and pups what do you do
  5. you die for two you survive for ,for two run with white coat or fight with females. You find a den two females want to mate diamond and angel who do you choose
  6. you died because of wounds because angel was to weak diamond was strong she gets a litter then you move to flat plains where you find 4 dens whitch won to choose
  7. this is for tree den only I MEAN ONLY a bear attackes what do you do
  8. for motan only ONLY Ok you live to nine years when a pack try kill you you have got 20 pack members what do you do
  9. FOR HIGH TREE DEN ONLY you are on your tenth year you win yaaa
  12. What's my name. hint whose the name when you first saw quiz

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