Would you make a good warrior in warrior cats?

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Are you a true warrior? If you think you are make sure you take this quiz! It will make sure you are a true warrior, or not..yayayayayayayayayyayayayayayay

Please take it and rate or watever fairly! Its my first one subscribe to [no urls]?view_as=subscriber thank you! or just look up Flaming Fox Sara Norris on youtube.com thanks!

Created by: FlamingFox
  1. Oh no the nursery is being invaded by rats! What would you do???
  2. Your friend gets his\her leg hurt, what do u do?
  3. The leader asks you to be on potrol for the night, what do you do?
  4. what do you do if you drop that thun? (if you dont know the song, i need you to look up Dont Drop That Thun. thank you)
  5. your an apperince and your asked to get some moss for the elders. there arent any good moist moss around, what do u do?
  6. your brother wants to train with you.. what do u do?
  7. im tired, should i stop?
  8. sorry im going..
  9. beyeyeyeyyeye one is bad and one is good XD luck
  10. : if ur a true warrior pick your warrior cat!!

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