would you make a good vampire hunter?

Are you a true expert on hunting vampires? find out in this exiting quiz! perhaps you will be the next Buffy or van Helsing! oh yes the weakness' I am using are from the vampire diaries, dracula and bunnicula

maybe you are maybe you aren't. but do not despair if you are not remember they don't really exist! but still, enjoy the quiz! oh yes and I don't like twilight. if you are awesome then get your kit together and go hunting for vamp's

Created by: Jada Feiri
  1. What is the best way to kill a vampire?
  2. what do you do when your friend is a vampire?
  3. what happens when a vampire is in sunlight?
  4. what plant is toxic to vampires?
  5. what two plants are toxic to vampires?
  6. can a silver bullet harm them?
  7. how about holy water ?
  8. can they see in a mirror?
  9. can they transform into mist and animals?
  10. how do you become a vampire?
  11. can a cross effect them
  12. how do they
  13. what is the best way to kill them?

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