Would You Make a Good London Cabbie

There are many people out there but few survive the roads of London to become a true London cabbie, 7 out of 10 who start the famous London Knowledge drop out.

Do you have what it takes to be a proper London Cabbie, few make it through the famous London Knowledge and get that Green Badge, take this quiz and see if you could make the grade.

Created by: andy king
  1. If some ask you to take them to No1 London would you take them to,
  2. If you turn left into a main road and notice a cab with his light on in your mirror, you get flagged down by a punter, do you?
  3. Someone flags you down and asks to go to the only road in London that drives in reverse all other London roads, you go to.
  4. A Chelsea Pensioner flags you down, do you.
  5. You are at the Hamleys Cab rank and a family of 7 try to get in your TX2 taxi, do you.
  6. A Knowledge boy is at the traffic lights with you, do you say to him.
  7. A drunk guy flags you down, do you.
  8. You notice a punter has left a package in your cab, do you.
  9. London cabbies have Green Badges, what colour badge do suburb cabbies have,
  10. What is the very first run that Knowledge boys have to learn,
  11. What do experienced cabbies call new cabbies.
  12. How often would you renew your cab licence,
  13. The runs that Knowledge boys/Gals do are in a book and this book has a very well known name but what is it called,

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