Would you make a good couple

Do you like someone and want to know if you’d make a good couple? This quiz will let you know if you would make a good couple. 😍🥰😘😭😢🥺 (sorry need more)

You and them can be perfect or be terrible! Talking and forming a friendship is important for your relationship think about how much you know about them

Created by: Shafow thr cat
  1. How close are your ages
  2. What are your cliques
  3. Do you talk often
  4. Do you’re friend think you would be a good couple
  5. What characteristics do you like the most
  6. What is their personality
  7. What is your personality
  8. Are you into the same music
  9. Do you like the same tv/movies
  10. Do you know if they like you
  11. Are they dating anyone

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