Would you make a good actor/actress?

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Do you want to be an actor or an actress? If so, take my quiz to find out if you have what it takes to be a good actor or actress. If you didn’t like your results, it’s just a quiz. Don’t let it bother you.

¿Quieres ser actor o actriz? Si es así, responda mi prueba para averiguar si tiene lo que se necesita para ser un buen actor o actriz. Si no te gustaron tus resultados, es solo una prueba. No dejes que te moleste. (Spanish)

Created by: Claire211
  1. Have you had any experience acting?
  2. Do you have stage fright?
  3. Are you good at memorizing lines?
  4. Are you prepared to pretend that you have a whole other family that you have to hug? And kiss maybe even???
  5. Are you prepared for doing or saying embarrassing things for the camera or stage?
  6. Are you ready to eat healthy meals and no junk food and keep yourself clean?
  7. Are you ready to wear ugly costumes?
  8. Are you ready to wear chunky, ugly, makeup for a whole day that weighs your face down?!
  9. Are you ready to say your lines, no questions asked?
  10. Are you ready to act like you’ve never acted before?! Putting FEELING in your character?!
  11. Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone?
  12. Rate? Comment?

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