Would you get into U.A?

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This quiz will tell you if you will get into U.A high , a school for students training to become heroes! Being a hero is an important job so training to be a hero will be necessary.

In this quiz we will see if you will succeed in getting into U.A so why don't you try it out? It will be fine if you don't get in , you can try other quizzes or try again!

Created by: Karrot
  1. Do You want to go to U.A?
  2. Who Is your favourite character? (male)
  3. Who is your favourite character? (female)
  4. What is your fighting strategy?
  5. Do you want to be a hero or villain?
  6. Who is your favourite villain?
  7. Are you strong?
  8. How would you design your hero suit?
  9. What is your personality?
  10. Who is your favourite teacher?

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