Would you ever become fruit?

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Do you want to be fruit like the bad guys or other annoying characters? Take this survey and see what you got as your result for that matter of fact for this.

Are you going to ever become fruit? I don’t because you don’t want to be annoying like so for that matter of fact on times of annoying orange as well… right?

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. Are you annoying?
  2. Are you mean?
  3. Will you rip coloring pages?
  4. Will you cry and be upset?
  5. Do you dislike hulk or the angry birds?
  6. Do you like bad guys in films, video games and moves?
  7. Do you like the decepticons?
  8. Do you like jeffy?
  9. Are you angry?
  10. Do you like the color orange?

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