Would you be one of my closer friends?

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This quiz is a test to see how close you and I would be as friends! I made it for fun on a friday night because I was bored out of my mind. I hope you enjoy it.

To play, simply select the answer you feel best suits you. Yeah, I know that's common sense, but what if this is someone's first online test? You never know.

Created by: a trans mess
  1. Would you tolerate my meaningless rants about various nerd things?
  2. Stance on gay marriage?
  3. Coffee or tea? If you don't like either, which smells better?
  4. Which of these books that I like, do you like?
  5. Do you like to draw? Doesn't matter if you are good at it or not just do you like to?
  6. Are you a theatre person?
  7. Which of these songs I love, do you love?
  8. Are you a Homestar Runner fan?
  9. I text you at 3AM, writing, "You up? I'm bored"
  10. Finally, do you like physical touch? Because I am a hugger!

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