Would you be my friend?

You are awesome sauce and don't worry if you don't get what you want... It's okay, I only made this quiz bc I was extremely bored... also I hope you enjoy this quiz, have fun... ~Lacey-The-Fox

Btw it would be nice if you could comment your results in the comment section, and I hope you have an awesome sauce day, and enjoy my quiz! ~Lacey-The-Fox

Created by: Lacey-The-Fox
  1. What's your favorite color
  2. What's your personality like??
  3. What do you like to do in your spare time
  4. On a scale of one to 8 how odd are you??
  5. Did you enjoy this quiz (this will not affect your score)
  6. How are you (this will not affect your score)
  7. Did you take this quiz bc you were bored (this will not affect your score)
  8. Will you give this quiz a good review(this will not affect your score)
  9. Are you having an awesome sauce day(this will not affect your score)
  10. Are you ready for the results? (this will not affect your score)
  11. Are you hoping you'll get yes (this will not affect your score)

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