would you be fit to be a spy?

There are many people who are willing to be a spy and if you are one of them, you must take this quiz immediately before you flop on you missions! Now!I insist

Are YOU a spy? Do you have what it takes to be one? Take this mind blowing quiz to find out - and this is all about insipration and ideas for you to acheive a high level in spy life!

Created by: fabdecorgirl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is being a spy your dream?
  2. what would you do if you were a spy?
  3. if someone saw you undercover what would be your reaction?
  4. what if you succeed the mission?
  5. does it matter - age restrictions/ can you ever be too young to spy?
  6. would you ever steal treasure?
  7. would you ever steal treasure?
  8. how are you going to acheive your dream?
  9. this quiz is ending in seconds! any last words to find your result?
  10. bye!

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