Would you be able to pass 8th grade Science?

Are you smarter than an 8th grader? Do you like Science? Show me how smart you really are... Good Luck on you're test! (Wish me luck on my test on friday!)

Think you're good at science? Are you better than an 8th grader? Bet not! You will need to know about rock layers, rivers, atmosphere layers, and clouds. (Plus, some vocabulary terms!)

Created by: Laura

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The water cycle consists of how many basic steps?
  2. The Earth's surface consists of how much fresh water?
  3. Define permeable:
  4. In rivers, the Bed Load is located:
  5. Which is true about a Braided River?
  6. What is porosity?
  7. Climate is:
  8. What is the middle layer of the atmosphere?
  9. Which is more dangerous?
  10. Which holds more moisture?
  11. Which type of cloud is large and fluffy?

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