would you be able to kill me?

There are many people out there skilled, powerful, and old but are you one of them I doubt it but can you prove me wrong maybe you can maybe you can't we both enter an arena one can come out let's find out

In this arena many people have died some lived because I gave them mercy can you be the one to kill me your chances are low but can you still manage to kill me and take the name My Death

Created by: Raiden
  1. Before entering your grave or mine which weapon would you choose
  2. Which set of armor would you choose
  3. If your armor breaks which under shirt would you have?
  4. Which Hand do you use?
  5. Are you quick to anger?
  6. Are you skilled with fighting?
  7. As you enter your grave or mine I am wearing a black torren robe with a mask wielding a katana would you feel scared?
  8. What would you do first?
  9. I take the first strike what do you do?
  10. Our weapons break fist to fist is all

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