Would you be a Good Vampire?

There are many Twi hards and Twi Haters but still you gotta love vampires.Would You Be a Good one or a Bad one.Take this quiz enjoy yourself and find out.

Are YOU a good vampire? Could you survive twilight or vampire diaries? Wanna live forever? Want Red/Yellow... Take this quiz and find out.

Created by: Erika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you wanna live forever?
  2. One good thing about being a vampire:
  3. Twilight moment!!!: If you were a vampire would you fall in love with a human
  4. Favourite Vampire power
  5. Hair Colour?
  6. Do you like this quiz? Don't worry this wont rate anything
  7. Favourite twilight character?
  8. You're perfect wedding?
  9. Eye colour
  10. Believe in love at first sight??

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