Would You Be A Good Member Of The K-Men

Are you a good member of the K-Men? Do you think you're a k-Man and want to prove to yourself your not? Do you not know aboot the K-Men and wish to learn what type of Super-Hero-Team they are by reading these questions backwards?

The K-Men are terrible people. Are YOU a terrible person? Let's find oot. But, there's pizza every Friday and I'm sure you're the only one of your friends who works with a Ware-Wolf.

Created by: Es~Trella
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have 4 hours of free-time, what would you do?
  2. What powers would you have?
  3. How funny are You?
  4. Who is the leader of the K-Men?
  5. What's your favorite colour?
  6. Bleh, bleh, bleh bleh BLEH bleh?
  7. How would you most likely describe yourself?
  8. Your Hands Are Cold:
  9. Would You Pull A Prank?
  10. Do you think you deserve this job?

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