Would we get along well?

How well would we get along if we met and had a convo irl? (dangit this quiz-creator's character limit is kinda annoying lol, there isn't much i have to say about it, haha)

Would we likely annoy eachother or have fun talking?(dangit this quiz-creator's character limit is kinda annoying lol, there isn't much i have to say about it, haha)

Created by: EllieMae
  1. How serious are you when hanging out with your friends, from 1 - 10.
  2. Are you patient with people?
  3. Do you mind when someone rambles to you?
  4. Do you talk often and passionately about things you like?
  5. Are you able to get along well with people who have very different interests from yours?
  6. Do you ask others questions about themselves, how they're doing, ect?
  7. When someone asks you something like how your week was, something polite about you, ect. (assuming the question is not an invasive one) how do you respond?
  8. Do you like hugs
  9. Do you make an effort to keep up conversation?
  10. Are you attentive when someone is talking to you, even if its not something you're really interested in?

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