Would we be good friends?

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so I need friends and actually no I don't just take the quiz ebebebeb when if you what then you what I don't wanna write why do I have to do this so many words left oh nvm

if we'd be friends ok youre gay wnad go touch grass but do my quiz first its got likee 6 questions cuz I got bored and couldn't think of any more haha

Created by: jupiterzsan1ty of yeah
(your link here more info)
  1. how fruity are you.
  2. how good is you're grammar
  3. do you if, when, where?
  4. how autistic are you
  5. favorite Chonny jash song
  6. do you love me :(
  7. do you liek will wood
  8. do you think we would be friends
  9. aaaaaaaaashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know what to put here
  10. I love helluva boss
  11. James dean you let us down
  12. yeah ok I'm leaveing

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