Would We Be Friends?

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Yooooooooooooo Im gay umm I don't know what to put here but this is a quiz to see if wed be friends irl ig ummm ebebebebebebbebababfnsadbkfuikbrhudiewotyfrdehfr

more gibberish!!! fgfuhioaoehugvnj kifoooooadjl gbvfncjdxueygfuwehqiuhfgbjfyhewi83yreiwqlsmdcnbvgfhdkxmz,srjreejfghutrjebrhrei4u5yhtjfbhjdsiuejrhfjdhtnbrehbr

Created by: Ash0NP4WZZ
  1. Hello
  2. Do you are have gay?
  3. Favourite Animal of these
  4. Best music genre of these (ur opinion)
  5. Do you watch Hazbin Hotel and/or Helluva Boss?
  6. Which of these bands/artists is your favourite?
  7. Are you a therian
  8. Can you finish the lyrics?
  9. Promise me a place in your...
  10. What's your favourite holiday of these?
  11. Do you support neopronouns?
  12. Bye Bye! <3
  13. Best one of these shows

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