would we be friends?..

maybe we can be friends or maybe not.....take the quiz to see ur result.n cdpo owihncqnipcxnwqpbxpoiwndpinqoinxoiwpoxinwoibóiwnoidbwoinbcoibwoicbowbcoiwbcoibwoib

take it and you will knowoicdboaindoiqboxibqóinxoibqoixbwpoibxobiouxbiwubxondib2ochnoijnxpj2qpojxpo2iqxoihqdoppobbibibibibibiubiubiubiubiubiubnkjbnjbhbkb

  1. how old are u
  2. what kind of music to u listen to (its ok im not a judger)
  3. What's ur hobby?
  4. whats ur fav color?
  5. what makes a annoying friend?
  6. if you were to eat any of these in the end of the world what would u eat
  7. who is ur fav parent?
  8. whats ur fav ice cream flavor
  9. whats ur fav fruit
  10. did you enjoy my quiz? (it would def affect ur score)

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