Would we be a good couple??

Maybe you like me. Msybe you want to see if you should ask me out. Maybe you have no life and youre bored. Maybe you are curious. Either way, im happy u be taking this test!

Please answer as truthfully as possible. I really like this tezt even tho it is really weird. I hope you are someone who knows me, because we can both see the answer! If you comment it or show me. Pls do. If u dont know me, thats chill.

Created by: Camryn566
  1. Do you like me?
  2. Would you kiss me if you had to
  3. Have you ever liked me
  4. Are we even friends
  5. How do u show that you love me if u loved me/ we where dating
  6. Eye color( this doesent afect u much)
  7. One of your fave things i say
  8. do you want to be with me?(Doesent do much)
  9. A thing you spacifically remimber from our time together ( this could be narrowing down ppl i know, but theres an option for yall who dont have something we did here
  10. If you can remimber somsthing you said to me. Which one is it?
  11. K bye!

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