Would u be the one? (guys)

Are you the guy that I would like? Are you a nerd? A gangsta? The one? Take the quiz to find out! Good luck! No hard feelings if not the one I like.

In only a few minutes, you can find out weather if i would like you or if I think you are a total creep. But Even if your end result is a total creep, no hard feelings, OK? Stay cute!

Created by: Fiona

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What shoes do you like?
  2. What is your nationality? (I don't want to offend anybody, I just want to know.) No hard feeling, OK?
  3. What does your hair look like?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. Which personality best describes u?
  6. What kind of top do you like?
  7. How old are u?
  8. Are you the class clown?
  10. What type of house do u live in?

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