Would u be my freind?

Please take this quiz 2 c if I’ll be my friend or not! Please like and comment on it if you r or ur not my friend! There r only 10 questions so enjoy!

Every question affects your score - even the last one! So answer carefully and good luck! I hope you are my friend! So now go do the quiz! Gloodbye and good luck

Created by: ALareB_447W
  1. Are u a….
  2. Ur fav lesson
  3. Ur fav sport
  4. Ur fav color
  5. Fav clothes colors
  6. Fav type of house
  7. Ur fav colour. 4 a bedroom wall
  8. Ur fav movie genre
  9. Ur fav author
  10. Did u like this quiz?

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