Would the Memerz let you in their friend group???

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The Memerz is my weird friend group. We like talking and being weird together. Let's see if we'd let you in!!! Ushjsjsjsjshjsjshsjjsjsjsjjsjsjwiehhejavvdbsn

A bbdjjdhdhdbbsjwkhdgdvvegeyyeye6e6255eywuwjhdvfggdhdhhwjwjeueygdgDVD. Djejhwjwiwie6637wuiwjshbd. Fish fish chips gotta love your fish fish chips dont burn em brown and black fish pink and blue fish fish fish chips mmm

Created by: Roblox person
  1. What's you opinion on furries? If you don't know what they are just google them!!!!
  2. What are your opinions on therians, otherkin, fictionkin, coping link, other hearted, and other alterhumans.
  3. What's your opinion on LGBT?????
  4. Are you emo/scene or similar?
  5. Do you know what roblox doors is???
  6. Do you like roblox doors?
  7. Do you like hazbin hotel, murder drones, tadc, gravity falls, memes, and super mario???
  8. Are you an outsider/,outcast ["!@/
  9. If you knew what roblox doors was, what's your opinion on Neko Doors???
  10. Are you popular?

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