Would the Joker fall for u?

My quiz is to see if these people can relate and would be compatible with the joker.I have taken many of these quizez and have made 100%-96%.So i mean i thought it would be fun to make this quiz.

Another reason i made this quiz is because i just love batman and dc and avengers and ecpessially the joker.To some it all up i'm a bit of a nerd.So i mean why not.

Created by: Harley Quinn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite number?
  2. Do u like weapons?
  3. If Joker were about to kill Batman would u...
  4. would u kill batman
  5. hjgjytedhtfgiuytrded
  6. would u .... joker
  7. whats your favorite colour?
  8. would u...batman
  9. would u bail joker out of jail
  10. would u foil jokers plans

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