Would technoblade love or hate you???

Hey this quiz is all about if techno loves or hates ya.If ya wanna know that come check out this quiz.btw this us my first…hfbcgdh anjeojdnchcydhs smskidididjdnejsissksmsmms

Anyways yes this quiz is a s---y one cause again its my first one jerk.But yeah this wuiz is TOTALLY going to solve alll your problems so take it!!…jdhduxnmskaooMsmsnjd

Created by: Mommy.milkers
  1. Hey dip s--- first question is….just choose one actually
  2. Lets say your in the dream smp,Do you choose sides or people? Think about it now!Remeber this quiz is based off of technoblade so T H I N K
  3. Do you work well independent or teamwork?
  4. Choose the one you feel the most connection too,DONT CHEAT!!!!
  5. Okay this is in the middle of the quiz…thank you for doing this btw! Anywyas the question is…choose a color😐
  6. Okay now what is your best traits other people have called you?
  7. What is a bad trait someone has called you?
  8. Okay 2nd to last question.who do you like or watch the most out of the listed
  9. Okay now. This is so close to the end ik its been a struggle.But the question now is.Now it may sound wird but who do you ship the most?
  10. Okay last question and yes this will effect your answer cause yk im like that😗✌.Did you like this quiz?

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