would sun or moon like you more

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today we will see if sun or moon will like you more! they are happy to see you (images not mine). hope nobody cares! This my first quiz so please dont hate it

Pov: you are wanting to find out who would like you more! you enter the daycare and i'm waiting for you Me: Hey Y/N! I've been waiting for you come on they are waiting for you right now!

Created by: mille
  1. HI! quiz taker today we will se if sun or moon likes you more! you ready?
  2. me: hey guys!sun: oh hi! moon: hey sun: i see we have a quiz taker! can we ask the questions now? Me: of course! Sun: moon do you mind if i go first? Moon: nope! Sun: what's your name?
  3. Moon: what's your favorite fnaf song?
  4. Sun: favorite color?Moon: 🙄
  5. Moon: if you could eat/drink one food for the rest of your life what would it be?Sun: good one!
  6. Sun: hobbies?
  7. moon: do you like me or sun more?
  8. sun: favorite fnaf game
  9. moon: animal?
  10. ME: Fate

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